Fresh new faves, just one reload away! Earn a bonus for a limited time!

All funds and plans purchased for use in SVSU Dining are for the personal use of the owner of the account or plan only and are non-transferable. The SVSU Dining funds and plans cannot be used as a gift card or gift certificate. Except as otherwise expressly stated in these terms, all SVSU Dining funds and plans are non-refundable and will expire at the earlier of the last day of enrollment or employment, as applicable, or the last day of the winter semester.

All meal plans and Declining Balance funds are non-refundable. All Declining Balance and meal plan balances expire on the last day of Winter Semester.

Easy Payment Plans Terms & Conditions

An Easy Payment Plan initial deposit is due at the time of purchase.  The remaining payments due will automatically be charged on September 8, 2020, October 8, 2020, and November 8, 2020.  The credit card used for the initial deposit will be charged for the remaining payments due.  

Meal Plan and Declining Dollar funds associated with each meal plan will be distributed in a set amount with each payment.  If a credit card has been declined or denied by the credit card company for a payment, the meal plan and Declining Dollar funds will be suspended until payment is received.  

Easy Payment plans include a $20.00 administrative fee which is collected at time of purchase.  Expired meals over any suspension period will not be refunded or returned and card holder will be responsible for payment on any used portion of meal plan. Card holder agrees to pay in total in accordance with agreement governing use of such credit card.  

If you are required by the University to have a mandatory meal plan, you are not eligible to purchase an Easy Payment Plan. 

Refund Policy:
All website purchases are considered to be final. Exceptions will be made for processing errors. All refunds for processing errors will be refunded to the credit card used for the purchase.

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Promotions are not transferable and are not redeemable for cash, gift cards, credit, or toward previous purchases.  Other exclusions may apply.  Void where prohibited.  Additional restrictions may apply.  Aramark reserves the right to cancel or modify any promotion or offer at any time.  Refer to each Promotion’s respective materials for additional details, instructions, and requirements.